• Opening Time : 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

An old resident of the village of Trekhozerka told foreign students of SSU about the peculiarities of national Komi fishing

At Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin, as part of the promotional campaign for the Trekhozersky Crucian Festival, an unusual theoretical master class on ice fishing was held for 1st and 2nd year medical students from India, Nepal, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Cameroon and South Sudan.  Communication took place in three languages ​​at once: Russian, English and French.


Nikita Chernov, the official blogger of the Trekhozersky Crucian Carp festival and moderator of the meeting, was responsible for English, and Olga Sedriseva, SSU nursing teacher, helped him with this. French took over as an expert practitioner of the master class, a teacher with 28 years of experience, a teacher at the Orphanage named after. A. A. Katolikova is a retired fisherman, photo-hunter with 55 years of experience and an old-timer in the village of Trekhozerka Sergei Isakov.


S. Isakov came to a meeting with future doctors, very modest and shy guys, with useful information, interesting stories, gear and live bait. The latter came as a surprise to everyone present. It turned out that none of the students had ever fished either here in Russia or in their own country. They heard almost everything the expert said for the first time.

The master class began with a brief general excursion on the topic. We talked about safety rules on water and ice, what equipment to choose to keep you warm and comfortable, what an ice auger is and how to use it, about the Balalaika fishing rod, and about the fact that the most difficult thing in fishing is watching and waiting. Ended in half an hour with the main commandment of a real fisherman – never catch more than you can eat.

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